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School Council Leaders

Launde Primary School Council meet regularly to help ensure the school is the best it can be. Pupils from each Year 2 - Year 6 class are nominated by each class to represent them at the meetings. We like working with children from different year groups, as part of our 'Launde family'.

The latest meeting information:

September 2023


We held our very first meeting of the academic year today. We welcomed all together and discussed and agreed our roles as a school council member: They are:

  •  We are the voice of our peers.
  • We investigate the likes and dis-likes of our peers about our school.
  • We come up with new ideas to improve our school.
  • We plan and organise fun activities, visits and events for our school.
  • We work alongside adults such as Ms Priddey and the Governors to put forward new ideas and plan improvements for our school.

We talked about the different ways the school council would show these over the year.

The school council members could tell me all about the assemblies we have had so far this year on the subject of keeping each other safe and nurturing each other. They were set the mission of making sure their classrooms had the new motto poster displayed. We had a photo taken together. 

October 2023

School Council were given their special badges today! Mrs Meer held the session and the topic was behaviour in school. Ms Priddey and Mrs Meer have completed a learning walk around the school and saw all children really engaged in their learning, focussed and trying their best. The School Council shared that although some children do make bad choices sometimes, the adults deal with it quickly. They explained that at lunchtimes it is good that there is TA's outside. Sometimes, children are teased and TA's deal with this well. They would like dinner ladies to do more games with them. Mrs Meer said she will work with Midday's to help them with this as it was excellent to hear that the children like these activities.


November 2023

We met today altogether. The children talked about the Poppy Appeal and Ms Priddey gave them the task of organising how to sell the poppies next week. They came up with a plan. Ms Priddey said that there was a need for them to decide a donation amount they thought would be acceptable. All the children agreed on £1. Ms Priddey will type up the plan and share it with staff next week. We also discussed how helpful the children were during the recent Assistant Head interviews that took place. They all enjoyed asking their questions and gave their suggestions on who they liked!

30 November

Our meeting today was all about the library. Ms Priddey would like new library areas for the school. The children were asked about what they would like to include in the new library areas. Our 2 Year 6 Pupil Voice Leads collected all the children's responses and will present them to Mr Woodhead and Miss Smith, the school's English Leads, who will be delighted to hear from the School Council. We talked about reminding the classes about walking safely when the weather is icy or snowy. We also talked about signs being clear and visible. They like the big ice signs the school has but want more of them. Ms Priddey will ask Premises team to look into this. 

Next meeting: to decorate the Christmas tree when it arrives next week!


Last year:

September 2022

Our first School Council meeting of the year! We introduced ourselves and talked about how important the role of a School Councillor is. The children filled in a survey about lunchtimes - what they like and their suggestions to improve. These will be used next Wednesday! There was a minute taker chosen and each member received a badge.

They discussed the importance of energy saving at school and all have taken on the role of turning lights off in the classroom when no one is in there and making sure taps are turned off. 

Next meeting: 12.45pm 5 October 2022

October 2022

The school council met to share their views about playtime with Steve Harris, the trainer who has come in to work with the midday assistants, and Ms Priddey. They had lots of very helpful comments to share, both positive and areas that they would like to see improve. We talked about the role of the children in this too - sharing equipment, letting others join in, being welcoming. 

November 2022

This week we reviewed how playtimes were going - lots of smiles for the initiative. We also talked about the lessons we were enjoying the most and why. The children shared the activities they were most enjoying. We also talked about the important school events that were taking place in the coming weeks - Remembrance day and Children In Need Day. The school council has been given the responsible task of selling the poppies so we worked out how the timetable for this.

Next meeting: 12.45pm 16 November

This week was led by Mrs Meer and we discussed the Children in Need arrangements and thanked them all for their hard work in selling Poppies during the lead up to Remembrance day.  We also discussed our new Happy Lunchtime initiative and how they felt this was working.  There were lots of positive comments, and they felt like lunchtimes have definitely improved for all children.  They gave a few suggestions on how to make it even better and these have been passed to our Midday Staff.  

The school council has been given the task of creating a list of games they would like to play at lunchtimes and at the next school council meeting they will give these in and they will be passed on to the Midday staff.

Next meeting: 12:45pm 30 November

This week we only had a short school council meeting where school councillors came with their class ideas on games and activities to use at lunchtimes.  Our Lunchtime Staff were very impressed and have all been given a copy so that they know what the children want to play with.  We also asked everyone to come back tomorrow for a surprise!

December 2022

The School Council helped us to decorate our Christmas Trees.

January 2023

We began by welcoming each other after the new year. The children felt that school had started well. The focus this week was art as all classes have been completing an art focus week. The children were able to recall art that had completing in previous years and the different techniques they had learnt. The children unanimously decided it was a definite thumbs up for their art lessons! This week there was a range of artists that have been covered including pointillism, water colour tiger art, Mexican owl designs using pastel and Andy Wahol pop art work. The children thought about what would make their lessons even better and decided that they would sometimes like to have 'freestyle' art sessions to do an art style that they want to and to do more back and white artwork. These comments will be passed onto the art lead in the school - the pupil's voice is listened to.
​​​​​Next meeting: 24 January 12.45pm

24 January 2023

Our Year 4,5 and 6 School Council members met to prepare for their important role as part of the interview process for the new Scholars CEO position. Miss Sandhu and Ms Priddey met with them to devise questions. There were some super questions - well done School Council!

9 February 2023

We met today to talk about how school was going. We began with the art exhibition. The children shared the benefits of seeing the art displayed. They came up with lots of appreciative phrases, showing a real respect for the art work they saw from each other. They enjoyed seeing the different art from the classes as well as work that siblings had completed. They really enjoyed the experience. They then discussed the book fair and made notes to share with the class about the details and how it raises money for more books for the school. 

Next meeting: 1 March 2023

1 March 2023

We met together and the main agenda item was how to support Red Nose Day. The children came up with some super ideas. We agreed on wearing noses, non-uniform day and the School Council would compile a joke book to sell. We agreed on the price of £2. The children went off to as their classes to think of some funny jokes to put in the book. We gave a deadline of Monday for this, so there would be time to type it up and print it ready for selling.

29 March 2023

Today we spoke about looking after each other and the School Councillors role in supporting their class to look after each other and respect. We agreed the PTa had done a super job with the Easter egg hunt and were looking forward to the Year group festival assembly on Friday. 

3 May 2023

Today we discussed the Kings Coronation and how the school are celebrating this on 12 May. The children were very excited. They chatted about the good time they are having in school and the different lessons that they are enjoying. We also discussed the generous gift that Miss Sandhu gave the school money for a bouncy castle for the day. Next meeting the School Council will plan in for latest this term! How exciting!

14 June 2023

Today we joined by Mrs Harris, who came to help Ms Priddey look at how we keep children safe at school. Ms Priddey asked her to speak to the School Counciilors so we could share our views. We chatted to her about the different ways we felt safe at school. We talked about the safe adults and all the assemblies we have that talk about sharing our worries and who to talk to.  We mentioned our fire drill practise but couldn't remember a lock down practise so Ms Priddey will set onto up for the school. 

School Council Roles and Responsibilities

Our School Council’s roles and responsibilities:

  •  We are the voice of our peers.
  • We investigate the likes and dis-likes of our peers about our school.
  • We come up with new ideas to improve our school.
  • We plan and organise fun activities, visits and events for our school.
  • We work alongside adults such as Mrs Meer and the Governors to put forward new ideas and plan improvements for our school.