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School Council Leaders

Launde Primary School Council meet regularly to help ensure the school is the best it can be. Pupils from each Year 3 - Year 6 class are nominated by their peers to represent them at the meetings. We like working with children from different year groups, as part of our 'Launde family'.

Here is our latest meeting information: 

February 2025


The school council met today. We reviewed the positive impacts of some of the new initiatives that have been launched in our school and how some of our previous actions from the School Council meetings were being evidenced. We discussed the issue around how we could solve the sharing of equipment at lunchtime and the School Council should be feeding that back to class. The School Council will be discussing with classes what clubs we think we need or need to have more of these next couple of weeks.

Please see the minutes for what we discussed: 07/02/2025

January 2025


The School Council has been busy discussing with their classes what Launde's school values should be and what are important values that the children hold. Mr Doxey will be sharing these with the rest of SLT as we look at shaping the vision and values for the future. We reviewed some of the ideas for the toilet improvements, sadly we won't be buying any expensive Japanese-style electronic toilets for the foreseeable future. 

Please see the minutes for what we discussed: 24/01/2025 minutes



A Happy New Year from your school council. 

We had a rearranged meeting today and discussed some thoughts around improvements we would like to see within the school's facilities. The school council will be coming back into their classes over the next few weeks to talk about values, as we look as a school at adapting Launde's values and vision moving forward. 

Please see the minutes for what we discussed: 10/01/2025 minutes

December 2024


Today Mr Doxey fed back about next steps for school improvement. The School Council would like to focus on improving the toilets and Mr Doxey has tasked them with getting feedback from their classes about what to focus on and how we could improve them. The School Council helped decorate the Christmas Tree these last two weeks and it looks brilliant in the main hall. We discussed plans for next term and the School Council is looking forward to doing some learning walks and helping the SLT in the Spring term.

Please see the minutes for what we discussed: 10/12/2024 minutes

November 2024


Today we fed back about the behaviour curriculum and recognition in school again. The school council felt that lots more positives were happening now and that everyone was lining up better after break and lunchtime too. We discussed the exciting opportunity with the Christmas tree. This should be arriving 2nd December. The school council will be doing some class voice soon using their notebooks to help them remember for both feeding back and collecting thoughts.

Please see the minutes for what we discussed: 27/11/2024 minutes



Today we reviewed how our behaviour curriculum and recognition has been going in classes and discussed where we could make it better. We talked about if there were other activities we could have for break or lunchtimes. The children talked about how everyone had been enjoying the exciting anti-bullying week and all the activities the school has put on for the children.

Please see the minutes for what we discussed: 13/11/2024 minutes

October 2024


Today we discussed how lunch and breaktimes have been going and feedback what our peers' opinions are on the equipment we have out. We looked at what opportunities we might have for fundraising throughout the year. For the next 2 weeks we are going to do some pupil voice on how we have been using the Good to be green and recognition boards in our class. 

Please see the minutes for what we discussed: 30/10/2024 minutes



We held our first proper meeting of the academic year today. We officially welcomed ourselves together and discussed and agreed our roles as a school council member. We took our group pictures for the school website too (see below). 

Please see the minutes for what we discussed: 09/10/2024 minutes

September 2024

We met together to be congratulated on our new roles and collected our school council badges from Mr Doxey. We had our pictures taken for the information board display, shared details for the School Council Teams group and made arrangements for our first proper meeting.


School Council Roles and Responsibilities

Our School Council’s roles and responsibilities:

  • We are the voice of our peers.
  • We investigate the likes and dis-likes of our peers about our school.
  • We support the leadership team with important decisions around school such as staff interviews and pupil voice.
  • We work alongside adults such as Mr Doxey, subject leaders and the SLT team to put forward new ideas and plan improvements for our school.