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Pupil Premium

What is Pupil Premium?

This is additional pupil funding given to schools to target pupils who are facing the greatest disadvantage.  This includes children from low income families, looked after children and those with parents in the armed forces. Eligibility for Pupil Premium is also provided for pupils who have been eligible for Free School Meals at any point in the last 6 years (known as the Ever6 Free school meals measure).

The level of Pupil Premium set for 2024 - 2025 by the government is £1480 per pupil.

In addition, schools will also receive £2530 for each looked-after pupil who has been looked after for 1 day or more, was adopted from care on or after 30 December 2005, or left care under a special guardianship order or a residence order. A Service Premium (£300) is available for children whose parents are currently or have served (in the last 3 years) in the Armed Forces.

Objectives of Pupil Premium Expenditure

As a school, we want all children to be successful, empowered to learn and happy and excited to come to school. We feel strongly that school should be a place of opportunities and recognise that we can make a significant difference if we individually target the needs of children. To achieve this, we have adapted the pupil premium offer to ensure it is more personalised to provide individual support to each child.

Next year, each class will have a TA during the morning sessions to support the children in their class. In the afternoon, we plan to use these Tas to run sessions to target the needs of children.

The government believes that the Pupil Premium, which is additional to main school funding, is the best way to address the current underlying inequalities between children eligible for Free School Meals (FSM) and their peers.

Our key objective at Launde Primary School is to use the Pupil Premium grant to narrow the gap between pupil groups. As a school, we have a good track record of ensuring that pupils make good progress. Historically levels of attainment are lower for FSM children nationally. This is not the case in all of our year groups.

Here are some of the ways the funding is used at our school:

  • Quality First Teaching for Literacy and maths
  • Additional hours to support children in class
  • Morning booster classes to promote literacy and maths skills
  • Residential trips
  • School visits
  • School milk scheme
  • A counselling service
  • Mentoring
  • Intervention clubs at lunchtimes
  • Sports clubs both during and after school
  • Homework resources
  • Book bags
  • Breakfast clubs

Our Key Beliefs

We strive to provide a culture where staff believe in ALL children, there are no excuses made for under-performance and staff adopt a ‘can do’ culture to overcoming barriers.

When analysing data, we will ensure that all staff are involved so that they are fully aware of the strengths and weaknesses across the school. This then leads to action planning for intervention groups.

We will ensure that all teaching staff are aware of who the Pupil Premium and vulnerable children are, and that all Pupil Premium children benefit from the funding, not just those who are under-performing.

Underachievement at all levels is targeted through teachers differentiating appropriately in class as well as the intervention groups and children’s individual needs are considered carefully.

Support for Parents

We believe that parents are integral to the academic achievements. We hold parent workshops and small group sessions in literacy and maths. In addition, specific programmes have been developed for individual and groups of parents to address a particular need e.g. developing higher order reading skills. We will ensure that the additional support that we provide is effective by working with parents to look at each individual child and identifying their barriers to learning, and work together to address these.

More details about how we spend the Pupil Premium allocation can be found in the report below.

How to check eligibility

We recommend all parents who join Launde register there details on the FSM portal. This is a live portal that checks eligibility daily. This means that if there is a change in your circumstances, and you become eligible for funding, we are notified immediately and there is not action for you to do. 

To register your details please go to:

If you require any assistance with this please speak to the school office.