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School Uniform 

New School Uniform -2024

New Uniform Retailer:
To streamline the buying process and ensure consistent quality, we've partnered with "School Wear Solutions" in Oadby village, and will be available to purchase online or in store. Starting from now, they will be the exclusive seller of our red logo jumper, cardigan, and bookbag.

Transitioning to the New Uniform:
We understand some families have the old red PE kit. You can keep using those items for the next year while we phase out the old uniform. However, all new purchases should follow the updated guidelines.

Our school uniform:

  • Red cardigan, jumper or sweatshirt
  • Black/Grey Skirt or Dress
  • Black/Grey Trousers
  • Tops White Polo Shirt
  • Summer Dresses Red Gingham
  • Black or Grey socks or tights - NO LEGGINGS
  • Summer shorts
  • Black School Shoes or plain black trainers (including soles) no sports logo unless the logo is all black

PE Kits

All children should come to school in their PE kit on the day they have PE.

PE kits are:

  • Black Shorts
  • Black jogging bottoms or tracksuit
  • Red jumper
  • White t-shirt
  • Sports trainers (white or black)

Outdoor wear

  • Waterproof coat
  • For winter - hat, scarf and gloves
  • For summer - sunhat


  • Hair bobbles and clips to be plain and in school colours of red or white
  • Earrings to be a single stud. Covered or removed for PE lessons.
  • Jewellery is not allowed unless for religious purposes. We ask that watches are removed and jewellery such as a Kara should be covered with a sweatband or micro-pore tape, which is the pupils responsibility to remember to bring in with them.
  • Long hair must be tied back.

All clothing needs to be clearly named. 

We recommend name tags or stamps as they last longer than a biro.

School logo Jumpers and cardigans can be ordered online or in-store through our uniform provider "Schoolwear Solutions" based in Oadby village

Cardigans and jumpers non logo items can also be purchased in the local supermarket stores such as Asda, Sainsburys. 

Second Hand Uniform will be sold at the annual Summer Fayre each year.

Our governors review our school uniform pricing annually to ensure it is affordable for all and meets the latest government guidance. 

For any queries, please ask at the school office and we will be happy to help.