School Development Plan
At Launde Primary School, we strive for continuous improvement to ensure the best possible education for all our pupils. Building upon our past successes, we have identified key areas of focus for the 2024-2025 academic year:
- Supporting All Learners: We're committed to making sure every child, especially those with extra learning needs, gets the support they need to succeed. Our goal is to create a learning environment where all pupils feel valued and can reach their full potential.
- Data-Driven Decisions: We believe in using data to make smart choices about teaching and learning. We'll empower teachers to use data to understand student needs and make adjustments to help everyone learn.
- Making Learning Work for Every Child: We'll use data and insights to make sure our teaching methods are effective for all learners. We'll also provide teachers with the training and support they need to personalise learning for each pupil.
- Growing Great Leaders: We're dedicated to developing strong subject leaders who can inspire and support their colleagues. These leaders will be skilled teachers, collaborators, and experts at using data to improve pupil outcomes.
Our School Improvement Plan
Our School Improvement Plan for 2024-2025 is designed to achieve these goals through a focus on:
Strengthening SEND Support:
- By employing a Teaching and Learning Lead to guide curriculum adaptations.
- Through regular data analysis to identify and support vulnerable learners.
- By implementing and monitoring evidence-based interventions.
- By strengthening the role of the SENCO through professional development and support.
Optimising Curriculum Delivery:
- By adopting and integrating research-based teaching methodologies like WalkThru.
- By providing clear expectations and consistent teacher delivery through CPD on strategies like "Cold Calling."
- By optimising the learning environment to support effective teaching.
Fostering a Data-Informed Culture:
- By providing professional development on effective assessment practices.
- By implementing data-driven strategies to inform teaching and learning.
- By supporting teachers in using assessment data to tailor instruction.
Developing Exceptional Subject Leaders:
- By implementing coaching programs for subject leaders.
- By providing ongoing mentoring to develop their leadership skills.
- By fostering a culture of continuous improvement amongst subject leaders.
This plan is linked to our most recent OFSTED report and aims at improving all areas suggested. It also ensures continued growth and development for our pupils and staff.
Download the Full Plan Below
For any questions about our school development priorities, please do not hesitate to contact a member of the Senior Leadership Team.