Cader Idris Assembly Children In Need

15 November 2019
Cader Idris performed a superb assembly for us, informing us about the important charity 'Children in Need'. This was the finale after two days of different activities that have taken place at school. The children in KS2 organised stalls on Thursday, Reception and Year 1 had treasure hunts and milkshakes were sold to Y1 -Y6 on Friday morning. All the children (and staff!) did well dressing up as animals for the day on Friday too! The assembly was very memorable, Cader children singing beautifully, sharing some very funny sketches and reminding us about the importance of raising money for children less fortunate than ourselves.The staff, as tradition has it, also contributed with their own dance to a well known Shrek song, much to the amusement of the children!
The total raised so far from all the activities is £2481.33, an impressive total for a school and for that we wish to thank all parents and children.